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Article Overview

Latest Research
July 15, 2022 Matthias Karlbauer, Timothy Praditia, Sebastian Otte, Sergey Oladyshkin, Wolfgang Nowak, Martin V. Butz

Fusing Physical Knowledge with Neural Networks’ Flexibility

Diffusion processes in nature are highly complex, and scientists strive to understand them in detail. With a new physics-aware neural network, we were able to model and predict such processes much more precisely than previously possible.
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Science Stories
April 20, 2022 Sarah Bioly

From Cape Town and Khartoum to Tübingen

Different perspectives advance research. Yet Africa is considered all too rarely in this context. A fellowship program for young researchers aims to change that. It brings five talents from African countries to Tübingen to spend half a year working on research projects in machine learning.
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Latest Research
February 21, 2022 Robert Geirhos

Do machines see like humans? They are getting closer

Machines may drive you to work one day, but they currently still fail when faced with unusual situations or noisy data. That’s because machines see the world very differently from humans - but this gap is starting to narrow.
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Latest Research
January 21, 2022 Linda Behringer, Maximilian Dax, Elke Müller

Machine Learning Decodes Tremors of the Universe

Researchers train a neural network to estimate – in just a few seconds – the precise characteristics of merging black holes based on their gravitational-wave emissions. The network determines the masses and spins of the black holes, where in the sky, at what angle, and how far away from Earth the merger took place.
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Latest Research
July 18, 2021 Tobias Rentschler , Ulrike Werban , Sandra Teuber, Karsten Schmidt , Thomas Scholten

Using Machine Learning for 3D Soil Mapping

Spatial soil variability makes a farmer's daily business challenging as it leads to varying growth conditions for field crops. Machine learning can help to map soil properties so that farmers can adapt fertilizing and irrigation management in a time- and cost-efficient way.
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