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Latest Research
August 22, 2024 Hanqi Zhou, Robert Bamler, Charley M. Wu, Álvaro Tejero-Cantero

Knowledge Tracing for Life-long Personalized Learning

Online learning platforms are popular tools for acquiring new knowledge on our own. However, these platforms have significant shortcomings. We present a new algorithm allowing us to trace the knowledge of learners more accurately, creating opportunities for empowerment by adapting the learning process to their personalized needs.
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Science Stories
May 15, 2023 Kathrin Schwarze-Reiter

Making the world a little bit better with AI

With a PhD in machine learning, the world seems to lie at your feet. But what to do afterwards: academia, the IT-sector, or something else entirely? For Poornima Ramesh, the answer is clear: she wants to use machine learning to improve people’s lives in places where the problems are most urgent. To further this goal, she joined a global advisory, data analytics, and research organization.
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Latest Research
November 29, 2022 Katja Schwarz

Escaping Plato’s Cave: Teaching machines the 3D nature of our world

Understanding the 3D nature of our world is key to many applications in augmented and virtual reality and simulation. But 3D training data is difficult to obtain. Hence, we develop an algorithm to create 3D graphics that can be trained with 2D images alone. By designing our algorithm such that it can represent 3D data efficiently, we keep the computational cost manageable while moving from 2D images to 3D graphics.
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